Gymnázium J.oachima Barranda, Beroun, Talichova 824
Talichova ulice 824, 266 01 Beroun / tel.: 311 623 435, 311 621 232, 799 542 877 / / IČ: 47558407

Gymnázium Joachima Barranda Beroun

Gymnázium Joachima Barranda Beroun is a secondary school providing general secondary education and is promoted by region Středočeský kraj. The school is over one hundred years old. It is seated in a reconstructed building on Talichova Street in Beroun where it was moved in 2003. Boarding is provided at the school canteen. The teaching staff is qualified and stable. There is a reasonable amount of applicants for admission to study there.

Students are prepared for their future studies mainly at universities. However, graduates who do not want to go to university get sufficient grounding to be able to continue their studies at colleges or start their job. The school provides lessons based on its own curricula. An eight-year programme registered as KKOV 79-41-K/81 follows a curriculum programme called  TRILOBIT, a four-year programme registered as KKOV 79-41-K/41 follows a curriculum programme JOACHIM.

The school is equipped with multimedia and information technologies and the Internet access.

There is a wide choice of languages taught at the school - English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. The eight-year programme includes one foreign language that students start taking at their first year. Third-year students start studying another foreign language of their own choice. Students have many opportunities to practice their language skills with their foreign friends and people they meet on their trips to sights and places of interest around Europe which are organised annually.

The students of higher years have a choice of optional subjects such as foreign language conversation, IT, humanities and science.

The school participates in long-term nationwide testing programmes organised by Scio, Cermat and other educational measurement institutions. Not only the school gets its own evaluation, but it can compare the results of its students with other schools both in the region and the Czech Republic. Students of the school take part in language, science, sport and other subject competitions both within the region and the Czech Republic where they quite often take the first place.

The P. E. programme offers regular skiing trips in winter and canoeing trips in summer.

Students of the school gain comprehensive education while studying in a pleasant background and friendly atmosphere that the school offers. Friends made up at the secondary school are friends for life.
